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Good Housekeeping/Pollution Prevention Training

The WNC Stormwater Partnership hosts these workshops on an annual basis. Training is provided by Mike Randall from the NC DEQ Stormwater Permitting Unit, and Mitch Woodward and Bill Lord, Area Specialized Agents with the NC Cooperative Extension. Topics include: stormwater management best practices for landscaping, construction, transportation and public works; illicit discharge detection and reporting; and stormwater control measure inspection and maintenance.



NCDEQNC DEQ and NC State University

The NC DEQ partners with NC State University and the NC Cooperative Extension to offer stormwater training opportunities for a variety of topics including: SCM inspection and maintenance; erosion and sediment control; bioretention and permeable pavement design; green streets; and low impact development. Check out all of NC State’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering’s workshops and conferences as well.

NC State

Rain Garden Rain Garden 2

Participants at the March 2017 Rain Garden Certification workshop held at UNC-A included WNC non-profits, municipalities, landscape design and installation professionals, master gardeners and homeowners.  Photo left: Workshop leaders Mitch Woodward and Bill Lord help Eric Romaniszyn, Executive Director of Haywood Waterways Association, place the inlet from the roof drain to the rain garden. Photo right: Renee Fortner, Watershed Resources Coordinator for Riverlink, checks out the finished design.


The Municipal Online Stormwater Training (MOST) Center offers a variety of online courses on stormwater financing and asset management, and green infrastructure and low impact development.


The EPA provides a number of NPDES-related webcasts for everything from stormwater management program development and assessment to municipal pollution prevention and good housekeeping. Their NPDES trainings focus primarily on permit writing, but may be useful to understand permit requirements.